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Opinion Piece: Party pledges won’t fix science funding sinkhole

Political parties are united about increasing our research and development capabilities to help our international competitiveness. So why are science election policies fragmented or non-existent?

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Comments (2)
    • Great piece by Nicola Gaston. I would just add a bit of historical context from the Beattie Report (1986 equivalent of Te Ara Paerangi White Paper).

      Nicola leads with:

      Five years ago, the Labour Government set an audacious target of raising the total amount of research, science and innovation funding from 1.3 percent of gross domestic product to 2 percent by 2028.

      The Beattie Report recommends the same thing in 1986. After almost 40 years, this recommendation has not been made real. Why not? What have we as a country missed out on by not following that recommendation?

      From the Beattie report:


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