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This account specifically posts news stories related to the research, science and education system in Aotearoa as well as international stories of potential interest here.

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‍“I am lucky to work in a role which brings together my passion for animals, science and wellbeing. The science allows us to look at things in new ways while also giving back to farmers, the sector and the wider country, which is important to me,” said Hall.
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‍“Years of underfunding in long-term agricultural science and a competitive funding model have contributed to the current situation. In a country of New Zealand’s size, science teams should collaborate, not compete,” they wrote, adding that they were convening a meeting of stakeholders to come up with a new direction for parasitology research.
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‍Student unionism is undergoing a “rebirth” in New Zealand, as representative bodies construct a replacement for their 96-year-old national organisation.
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‍Ms Simmonds says she never promised to show up to a meeting with councillors last month and took issue this week with a statement by council chairwoman Cr Gretchen Robertson, who said the meeting Ms Simmonds missed was "at the invitation of the Minister for the Environment".
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‍Tackling some of the biggest issues of today can be done more effectively when the public trust in science. For example, countries with higher trust in science were more supportive of public health measures such as mandatory face masks in public to prevent COVID infection.2 People with higher trust in science also engage in more behaviours to mitigate climate change.
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‍"The Government risks no-one being able to do this job and be forced to recruit offshore," said Fitzsimons. "So much for science growing the economy that it talks about. It’s astonishing that the Government is pressing ahead with closure without a plan for these dedicated science staff.
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But more critically, this demystification reminded me of the leaps and bounds we make when the cosmos – the world around us – is made visible and legible to us. My hope is that we don’t rush to dismiss indigenous knowledge, and the very real, tangible support it can offer in helping us interpret our world, by mere virtue of its indigeneity. That kind of parochial thinking is precisely what inundates rivers of division to become oceans of insecurity. And that’s what we really can’t afford today.‍
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‍‘‘Pragmatically, distinctiveness is best enhanced by incentivising institutions to stick to their established strengths, and disincentivising them from encroaching on the distinctive strengths of others.
‘‘The reality is, though, that governments of the past two decades have simultaneously sought greater distinctiveness, while allowing — and in some cases supporting — particular universities to act contrary to these aims.’’
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‍"Beyond its purpose as a school, and I think it's a very necessary school - despite its issues it's a really good programme - we need more venues in Wellington for the arts, and Te Auaha is one of the best and well-equipped venues in Wellington."
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‍"Universities do do vocational training. We do need more collaboration, but we don't need more entities. What we need is a system that allows people to work together and that means a funding model that isn't, 'I'm going to grab every student, every bit of money I can from the government,' but one that says how does the system actually work.
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Wellington polytechs Whitireia and WelTec are considering closing their central city campus, Te Kāhui Auaha.
They are among Te Pūkenga divisions reviewing their programmes and properties to see how they can remain financially viable.

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‍The authors emphasise that for countries with low expenditure, improved research and development activity is especially important for GDP growth. New Zealand should take note – it is an outlier both as a low investor and a poor economic performer.
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