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Exploring global trends in higher education

This arvo, I caught up with the always thoughtful @Ritodhi Chakraborty. Having followed the issues in higher education in Aotearoa, Australia, Canada, the US and the UK, i have been keen to know if similar things are happening in other places. I asked Ritodhi about this, expecting he would have some insight. He did. Below is an article that describes what is happening in India. Ritodhi walked me through the flow on effects of these developments in regards to student expectations when looking for post-graduate training outside of India.

From the article:

For higher education, though, the pathway is being made clearer by the day through a series of new rules and directions from the University Grants Commission (UGC). In contrast to the current ‘mode-for-learning’ approach — which privileges critical thinking and citizenship training — the NEP intends to make dominant a ‘mode-for-instruction’ framework centred around information, exams, vocational training, and skilling.

‍Having some idea of what is happening in India is likely to help inform how we think about our own tertiary education system and its future. If you are not already familiar with it, I suspect you will be surprised, maybe even shocked by the article below.

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