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MBIE Announces process to establish National Research Priorities
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Via the Te Ara Paerangi Newsletter:
Process kicks off to establish National Research Priorities
The National Research Priorities will focus government funding on the areas that matter most to Aotearoa New Zealand and deliver impact by setting ambitious missions with tangible and measurable goals. This is broader than the National Science Challenges (NSCs), which focused on science-based issues facing Aotearoa New Zealand.
Each National Research Priority will operate as a portfolio of investments and be framed as an ambitious mission, such as “Carbon Zero by 2050’”. These will lead to research outcomes and activities that contribute to achieving that mission.
The Priorities need to reflect the most significant opportunities and challenges our economy, society and environment face. They need to be future-focused missions that honour Te Tiriti o Waitangi, contribute to wellbeing and public good, enhance our international connectedness and act above sector interests. Given this strategic level, Cabinet will make the final decision.
Cabinet will act on recommendations from an Independent Strategic Panel of experts. This Panel will consider analysis and advice from a cross-agency working group, who is seeking input from various groups, including government agencies, sector experts, international and futures experts, communities, and industry and Māori representatives.
Sector engagement has been critical throughout the Te Ara Paerangi – Future Pathways process and will be key to getting this process right. Once the missions for National Research Priorities have been set, researchers, research users, the private sector, Māori and communities, ethnic communities, government agencies and other interested groups will work together to determine how the Priorities will be practically achieved with clear research outcomes and specific activities.
Members of the Panel will be appointed and announced in coming weeks.
Learn more about the process for establishing the National Research Priorities and how they will work on our website.
Establishing National Research Priorities — MBIE