MBIE has announced the release of their summaries of the submissions today (30th June 2022). We provide quick links for you to:
Part I - a general report summarising al submissions and engagements
Part II - a report summarising Māori submissions and engagements
On the same page this is under the heading "Next Steps"
We are reviewing the information in submissions and considering this alongside undertaking further policy work. As the policy design process becomes more detailed and options are narrowed down, there will be further opportunities for engagement, and further consultation. We will provide updates as the work continues to evolve.
The Te Ara Paerangi Community has been noticed by MBIE. We look forward to working towards a future research, science, and innovation system that works for all Kiwis. To get there we will need to reach a broader group of people who use or want to use public research. In this way, there will be a truer representation of the needs of society, rather then primarily voices of those who have resources or are very senior in the current system.