User Help

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To change the background image for your profile. Click on the icon circled in red below. From there you can upload an image and adjust which part appears. Have a play and see how it works.


This video shows how to send invitations to join the site. ‍

A brief tutorial on changing day / night theme style.

A brief tutorial for setting up your profile. Start by clicking on the user icon in the upper right and selecting profile from the drop down menu.

The user icon will be in the place where the cat icon is in this image.

By default, all notifications generated by Community members are turned on, and you will be notified by email of actions on the Community site. This stream of information may be too detailed and you have the option of limiting the notifications you receive.

to change the notification settings:

  • select the Round Icon (top right) of the website
    → a drop down menu will appear

  • select Preferences from the drop down menu
    → the preference page will open

  • select Notifications (text at the middle of the page)
    → the notification page will open

  • select Check boxes of the notification items you would like to activate or deactivate

  • scroll down to the bottom of the page to confirm your selection

  • select the Activate or Deactivate buttons to confirm your changes to the notifications



The messenger allows you to communicate directly with others in the community

  • Select the Messenger Symbol (located at the top right of the window)
    image_transcoder.php?o=bx_froala_image&h=13&dpx=1&t=1646685670-> the messenger window will open

  • Select the Writing Symbol (at the top middle of the page)

    image_transcoder.php?o=bx_froala_image&h=14&dpx=1&t=1646686022-> A field will open where you can write your message and select the person you want to write the message to.

Delete A Profile

You may want to delete a profile. Please ensure you are not deleting a profile you want to keep by mistake

  1. Select the Round Letter Icon (the letter will be the first letter of your)
    → at the upper right corner, a drop down menu will appear.

  2. select Profile from the drop down menu
    → the profile page will open

  3. select Delete Profile (blue button at the middle of the page)
    → a confirmation page will open

  4. select Check Box. I am sure I want to delete this profile

  5. select Submit (blue button)

Create A Second Profile

You may want to have a second profile that allows you to contribute anonymously. The system administrators can see how profiles are connected.

  1. select the Round Letter Icon (the letter will be the first letter of your)

  2. → at the upper right corner, a drop down menu will appear.

  3. image_transcoder.php?o=bx_froala_image&h=6&dpx=1&t=1646452988

  4. select Create New Profile within the drop down menu 

  5. select Edit Profile from the blue menu in the middle of the page

    → the profile editing page will open

  6. update the available fields with your details- Upload Profile Picture that other users can see
    - Full Name, the identifier that other users can see
    - Description, general information such as areas of expertise, short CV
    - Visible To, determines who can see your profile page Who can post to my profile
    - Who Can Post To My Profile, determines who can contact you
    - Who Can Contact Me, determines what category of Community member can contact you

  7. Select the blue Submit button to finalize your profile.



Once you have signed into the community web page, it is a good idea to customize your profile. By default you have one active profile. The community allows you to have multiple profiles, a additional profile may be useful, if you want to provide input into to the community but you wish to remain anonymous to the other website users (Please be aware however, that the website administrator can link profiles).

Edit A Profile:

  1. select on the Round letter icon (the letter will be the first letter of your)

  2. → at the upper right corner, a drop down menu will appear.

  3. select Profile from the drop down menu

    → the profile page will openimage_transcoder.php?o=bx_froala_image&h=4&dpx=1&t=1646452534

  4. select Edit Profile from the blue menu in the middle of the page

    → the profile editing page will open

  5. update the available fields with your details- Upload profile picture that other users can see
    - Birth date
    - Full name, the identifier that other users can see
    - Description, general information such as areas of expertise, short CV
    - Location, your place of work or residence
    - Visible to, determines who can see your profile page Who can post to my profile
    - Who can post to my profile, determines who can contact you
    - Who can contact me,determines what category of users can contact you

  6. Select the blue Submit button to finalize your profile.